Describir: The vital questions of the days: including "Territorial expansion", "The Porto Rico problem", "Our Philipine policy", "The Nicaragua canal", "The open door", "Commercial extension", "Coin and currency", "Uses and abuses of trusts", etc. etc. A compendium of the views of all parties, written by our most distinguished statesmen and leaders, among whom are George F. Hoar, Henry Cabot Lodge, Chauncey M. Depew, Benjamin R. Tillman, William B . Allison, Joseph B. Foraker, William Lindsay, Wharton Barker, Henry M. Teller, George B. McClellan and many others together with the lives of candidates for president and vice president, and the National platforms also a National Portrait Galley containing Half-Tone photographs of the Great Leaders of all parties, with concise biographies of each