Nomothetees the interpreter, containing the genuine signification of such obscure words and terms used either in the common or statute lawes of this realm : first compiled by the Learned Dr. Cowel, and now enlarged from the Collections of all others who have written in this kind. With an addition of many words omitted by all former writers, and pertinent to this matter, with their etymologies as osten as they occur: as also tenures whether jocular, or others statutes and records, whererin the alterations are expressed, and their agreement or dictionary, with the law at present declared. Whereto is subjoyned, an appendix, containing the ancient names of places here in England, very necessary for the use of all young students, who intend to converse with old records, deeds or charters

Nomothetees the interpreter, containing the genuine signification of such obscure words and terms used either in the common or statute lawes of this realm : first compiled by the Learned Dr. Cowel, and now enlarged from the Collections of all others who have written in this kind. With an addition of many words omitted by all former writers, and pertinent to this matter, with their etymologies as osten as they occur: as also tenures whether jocular, or others statutes and records, whererin the alterations are expressed, and their agreement or dictionary, with the law at present declared. Whereto is subjoyned, an appendix, containing the ancient names of places here in England, very necessary for the use of all young students, who intend to converse with old records, deeds or charters

Detalles Bibliográficos
Formato: Libro
Publicado: London : printed by the assings of Richard Atkins esq.; and Sir Edward Atkins Kinght, for H. Twford, Tho. Bosset, J. Place, and H. Sawbridge, 1684.
Edición:The second edition, wherein many errors and mistakes in the former are carefully corrected. By Tho. Manley of the Middle-Temple, esq.
Colección:Banco de datos
Acervo:Fondo Bibliográfico Antiguo Víctor Manuel Castillo de la Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas
Descripción Física:[46] h. ; f°
Tema general:Derecho civil-Diccionarios
Notas:Portada tipográfica con marco y pelcas en grabado xilográfico. Texto a dos columnas con marco en grabado xilográfico. Incluye cabecera de título floreada en grabado xilográfico. Incluye capitular en grabado xilográfico. Falta encuadernación. Daños de humedad

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